A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Shrimp Aquarium

A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Shrimp Aquarium

Freshwater shrimps can be excellent pets for people who are allergic to cats or dogs. Some types of shrimps such as ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp are as strong as many other types of fishes and offer a visually pleasing alternative to many traditional fish tanks. The small tank requirements require fewer fishtank supplies and can make freshwater shrimps a simpler choice for offices, schools, or the bedroom. It is not suggested to house shrimp with other types of fishes except you are using them as a food source because freshwater shrimp are extremely susceptible to aquatic predators.

Buy the Right Type of Shrimps

There are many different species of shrimp to choose from when creating a shrimp tank at home. All kinds of shrimp can be more prone to issues with water quality than fish. Ghost shrimp which is also termed as glass shrimp is one of the easiest breeds of shrimp you can easily raise. These types of shrimps are translucent which means you can see through them and are highly active. Ghost shrimp can also be very affordable. However, cherry shrimps are usually green or brown in color and there are red varieties available for purchase. They are slightly more expensive than the ghost shrimp but require the same type of care.

Buy the Right Tank

There are several options to choose from when it comes to buying shrimp tanks. Choosing a shrimp tank that is almost ten gallons can ensure you have adequate space for the shrimps to flourish. Ensure to note the accurate size of your shrimp tank. You might need to use the correct figure to calculate the entire flow rate in the choice of water filter. A five to ten-gallon tank can be sufficient enough for even a large population of shrimp.

Choose a Suitable Aquarium Filter

You have to determine the accurate flow rate for your shrimp tank by using a filter or aquarium controllers. Any nearby pet store can sometimes help you buy the right filter for your shrimp tank. You can easily use one of the many different free volume calculators available online which can help you make a decisive decision. Shrimp waste can be very small, so you just need an effective filter to catch the residue. Figure out the volume and dimensions of your shrimp tank to use volume calculators.

Put a Tank Heater

Find online calculators that can help you evaluate which water heater to buy. It is important to buy a water heater that is rated appropriately to heat a tank exactly the size of your shrimp tank. Go to a pet store and ask the employees to help you classify the right heater for your shrimp tank. It's better to purchase the required wattage of your water heater. Buying two equal wattage water heaters to put on either side of the tank can enhance efficiency and make sure the tank remains warm if one heater fails.


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