7 Extremely Unhealthy Things About Koi-Keeping

Koi-keeping is a popularly growing hobby because the fish are attractive and provide a colorful staple to any garden. Though koi is a hardy fish well-adapted to living in different climates, it also has specific survival needs. If you new to koi-keeping, it can be easy for you to make common mistakes and forget to meet its basic needs. Along with having the right pond equipment, it is also important to give our koi a healthy environment to live in. Here are some things you should take care of.

1. Infections

Koi can easily fall prey to bacterial or viral infections due to its poor living environment. Although they can typically fight off such infection, you simply need to provide good water quality and correct diet for your fish. Make sure to look for signs if your fish are unwell and take suitable measures quickly.

2. Pesticides

You may not intentionally pollute your koi pond with pesticides, but in heavy rain, pesticide in your garden or environment can find its way to your pond through runoffs. Therefore, it is important to create some means of diversion during construction of the pond to keep runoff away.

3. Jumping Out

Since koi are natural athletes, they can sometimes appear to be suicidal. They can, and certainly do, jump and if they miss the water on their way down, they can perish before you even find out that there is an issue. If you have got a persistent jumper among your koi, consider installing a bird net.

4. Predators

Your koi represent an appealing meal for predators, whether be it your neighbor’s cat or some random bird giving a strange look at your pond. You will probably want to get a bird net or fencing around your pond to protect your fish from disappearing. This is because once a predator has found a way to access your pond, it will keep coming back.

5. Ulcers

During winter, koi rest on the bottom of the pond and so their undersides get in contact with the substrate, which will, as a result, cause their bodies to get ulcerated. Therefore, it is best to keep the bottom of your pond as smooth as possible.

6. Parasites

Koi can be seriously affected by parasitic infections, but by the time your koi show visible symptoms, the infection may have already for severe. Most of the infections can be easily treated, so you should carefully monitor your koi for any signs of falling ill. Also, look out for lethargic fish; koi that has lost its vibrancy.

7. Poor Quality Water

The major cause of koi death in indoor ponds is poor water quality. Invest in high-quality koi pond filters and ensure it is working well after every few months. Test your water regularly and don’t overstock your pond.

Use these tips to keep your koi healthy and live longer so you can spend more time with this fascinating fish in your backyard.


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